Dear Mills & Boon reader,

Note that after 30 September 2023, our existing eBook delivery service will be discontinued.

While we move to our new fulfillment partner, to avoid any disruption please download all eBooks you have purchased by 30 September 2023.

Please note that at this time you cannot purchase new eBook products directly from our site. You can still purchase our eBooks from other eBook retailers. 

What should I do for eBooks I have already purchased?

eBooks already downloaded to your reading device won’t be affected.

eBooks not already downloaded to your reading device should be downloaded to your device by 30 September 2023.

This is because existing file links in your account will cease to work. Purchases supplied by our new fulfillment partner will require a new eBook file link and installation of a new eBook reader app. So to make sure you have uninterrupted access to your existing purchases, please follow these instructions:

  1. Sign in to your Mills & Boon Account. Click here or select the account icon
  2. Check your Order History. For any eBook not already downloaded, the link will still be active. Click on the link to download your eBook but FIRST check step 3 below.
  3. Currently for eBooks purchased directly from our web site, Adobe Digital Editions must be installed and activated in order to download and read your eBook. We also recommend you AUTHORISE YOUR ADOBE ID before downloading your eBook so that you can access your library if you upgrade or change your reading device. For instructions see our GUIDE TO EBOOKS.

If you have any difficulty downloading your books, get in touch with our helpline on 1300 659 500 (Australia) or 0800 265 546 (New Zealand)

What happens after 30 September if I have not downloaded my eBook?

Contact us and we’ll arrange a download with our new fulfillment partner when our new service is ready, but as noted above, this will require you to install a new eBook reader app. We’ll provide updates on our website and to Mills and Boon account holders.

Does this affect Mills and Boon eBooks I have purchased from other retailers, such as Amazon or Apple?

No. It only affects eBooks purchased directly from our website with your Mills and Boon account.

Can I still buy eBooks today?

No, however you can still purchase our eBooks from other retailers. We hope to have our new and improved eBook service up and running soon. 

I’m an eBook subscriber, will I still get my books?

We recommend all eBook subscribers follow the above steps to download their library before the end of September. Additionally, your October subscription will be released to you on the 19th of September. You will have until the end of the month to download those books.

After this we will be cancelling all eBook subscriptions until we have a new solution for eBook fulfillment implemented on the website. We will contact each eBook subscriber directly about resubscribing to our service then. We apologise for any inconvenience.

We will ensure that your direct payment arrangements are cancelled along with your subscription and will need to be reauthorised when we set up a new one.


We’ll be in touch with details of our new Mills & Boon eBook offering soon.

For questions or help accessing or downloading your eBooks, contact us:

Australia: 1300 659 500
New Zealand: 0800 265 546
Monday-Thursday, 9:00am to 3:30pm AEST, excluding Australian/NSW public holidays.
